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ITEM: 32663
Autism Spectrum Disorders Series
Autism Spectrum Disorder Series provides critical information for selecting and using the most effective interventions. The books discuss and illus...
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
32663 | Autism Spectrum Disorders Series, 2nd Edition | $146.00 | |
32663V | Visual Supports, 2nd Edition | $21.00 | |
32663T | Discreet Trial Training, 2nd Edition | $21.00 | |
32663S | Social Skills and Social Interactions, 2nd Edition | $21.00 | |
32663I | Naturalistic and Incidental Teaching, 2nd Edition | $21.00 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder Series provides critical information for selecting and using the most effective interventions. The books discuss and illustrate practical solutions and strategies for learners with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders
Provides critical information for selecting and using the most effective interventions.
This valuable series is written in quickly accessible, user-friendly style by qualified and experienced professionals. The books discuss and illustrate practical solutions and strategies for learners with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders.
Included in this unique series are four books for parents and professionals working with children and adolescents with Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The series includes the following 10 books:
- How to Develop and Implement Visual Supports
- How to Do Discreet Trial Training
- How to Support Children with Problem Behavior
- How to Teach Social Skills and Plan for Peer Social Interactions
- How to Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- How to Use Joint Action Routines
- How to Use Video Modeling and Video Prompting
- How to Write and Implement Social Scripts
- How To Teach Verbal Behavior
- How To Do Incidental Teaching