Trauma Symptom Inventory- Second Edition (TSI-2)

Trauma Symptom Inventory- Second Edition (TSI-2)

Broad assessment of a variety of traumas, how it impacts the individual, and accuracy of reporting
Item Product Price QTY
32682 Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 (TSI-2) $373.00
32682A TSI-2-A Introductory Kit $373.00
32682-AB TSI-2-A Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, pkg/25 $111.00
32682-AP TSI-2-A Profile Forms, pkg/25 $91.00
32682-AR TSI-2-A Reusable Item Booklets, pkg/10 $91.00
32682B TSI-2 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, pkg/25 $111.00
32682M TSI-2 Professional Manual $111.00
32682P TSI-2 Profile Forms, pkg/25 $91.00
32682R TSI-2 Reusable Item Booklets, pkg/10 $91.00
Broad assessment of a variety of traumas, how it impacts the individual, and accuracy of reporting

 Broad assessment of a variety of traumas, how it impacts the individual, and accuracy of reporting

John Brier, Ph.D.

Age: 18 years to 88 years

Time: 20 minutes

Qualification Level: B


TSI-2 is a broad assessment of trauma and related symptoms, designed to evaluate posttraumatic stress and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events, including the effects of sexual and physical assault, intimate partner violence, combat, torture, motor vehicle accidents, mass casualty events, medical trauma, traumatic losses, and childhood abuse or neglect.

  • Three scales (Insecure Attachment, Somatic Preoccupations, and Suicidality) and several subscales, as well as four summary factors (Self-Disturbance, Posttraumatic Stress, Externalization, and Somatization), are new or have been significantly reconfigured.
  • New items evaluate the accuracy of clients' reporting, by assessing for tendencies to deny symptoms that are commonly endorsed, to overendorse unusual or bizarre symptoms, or to respond in a random manner; the instrument now addresses malingering.
  • New standardization sample (N = 678) closely matches U.S. Census statistics.
  • A 136-item carbonless form assesses a wide range of potentially complex symptomatology, ranging from PTSD, dissociation, and somatization to insecure attachment styles, impaired self-capacities, and dysfunctional behaviors.
  • Eight critical items help identify issues that potentially represent severe psychological disturbance or danger to the respondent or others.
  • The TSI-2-A is a 126-item alternate version that does not contain any sexual symptom items.
  • Spanish-language forms are available.
  • Administration and scoring is available on PARiConnect, our online assessment platform.

Technical information

The validation sample consisted of five nonoverlapping clinical groups: combat veterans, individuals with borderline personality disorder, sexual abuse victims, victims of domestic violence, and incarcerated women. A sample of subjects simulating PTSD was used to test malingering.

Scoring software available

The TSI-2-SP scores and profiles TSI-2 and TSI-2-A results. It generates a score report and graphic profile of the client’s results, indicating the relative extent to which the respondent is experiencing posttraumatic stress or other sequelae of traumatic events. A change score report assists clinicians in determining whether significant change over time has occurred.

TSI-2 Kit (32682) includes TSI-2 Professional Manual, 10 TSI-2 Reusable Item Booklets, 25 TSI-2 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, and 25 TSI-2 Profile Forms; This version does not have any items with sexual content.

TSI-2A Introductory Kit (32682A)includes TSI-2A Professional Manual, 10 TSI-2A Reusable Item Booklets, 25 TSI-2A Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, and 25 TSI-2A Profile Forms; This version does not have any items with sexual content.

TSI-2-SP (32682-SP)includes TSI-2 software via CD-ROM, On-Screen Help, and Quick Start Guide