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Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC)
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
32907 | Trauma Symptom Checklist Young Children, Complete Kit (TSCYC | $465.00 | |
32907M | TSCYC Manual | $110.00 | |
32907R | TSCYC Item Booklets, Pk/25 | $72.00 | |
32907H | TSCYC Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, Pk/25 | $101.00 | |
32907A | TSCYC Profile Forms-Ages 3-4, Male and Female, Pk/25 | $72.00 | |
32907B | TSCYC Profile Forms-Ages 5-9, Male and Female, Pk/25 | $72.00 | |
32907C | TSCYC Profile Forms-Ages 10-12, Male and Female, Pk/25 | $72.00 |
Evaluates acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology.
John Briere, Ph.D.
- Age Range: 3-12 years
- Time: 15-20 minutes
The NEW TSCYC is the first fully standardized and normed broadband trauma measure for children as young as 3 years of age. It is a 90-item caretaker-report instrument, with separate norms for males and females. Caretakers rate each symptom on a 4-point scale according to how often the symptom has occurred in the previous month. Unlike most caretaker-report measures, the TSCYC contains specific scales to ascertain the validity of caretaker reports, as well as providing norm-referenced data on the number of waking hours the caretaker spends with the child.
The TSCYC contains eight clinical scales:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger/Aggression
- Posttraumatic Stress-Intrusion
- Posttraumatic Stress-Avoidance
- Posttraumatic Stress-Arousal
- Dissociation
- Sexual Concerns
The PTSD Diagnosis Worksheet incorporates information from the TSCYC to assist the user in evaluating PTSD criteria in younger children, and provides a possible PTSD diagnosis in children 5 years of age or older (sensitivity = .72, specificity = .75).
Norms are based on a stratified national standardization sample of 750 children. Internal consistency for the clinical scales in the standardization sample ranged from .78-.92, with an average clinical alpha coefficient of .86. Similar results were found in the clinical and child abuse treatment samples. Homogeneity-corrected test-retest correlation coefficients for scales ranged from .68-.96, with a median coefficient of .88. Discriminant, predictive, and construct validity have been demonstrated for the TSCYC in multiple samples and studies.
Trauma Symptom Checklist Software Portfolio (TSC-SP)
The unlimited-use scoring software automatically scores the TSCYC. The program will generate a score report and graphic profile of the results, which can be printed by any Windows compatible printer or exported for word processing. The program requires Windows 95 or higher.
The TSCYC Complete Kit includes a Manual and 25 each of the Item Booklets, Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, Profile Forms-Male and Female Ages 3-4, Profile Forms-Male and Female Ages 5-9, and Profile Forms-Male and Female Ages 10-12.