Student Educational Assessment Screening (SEAS) Classroom Developmental Assessment

Developmental assessment tool for regular classroom teachers to identify students needing intervention in social/emotional, motor, language, percep...
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37032 Student Educational Assessment Screening (SEAS) Bklts, Pk/20 $25.00
Student Educational Assessment Screening Instrument (SEAS) is a criterion-referenced developmental assessment tool for regular classroom teachers to identify students needing intervention in social/emotional, motor, language, perception, self-help or academic/cognitive areas.

Quick and Efficient Teacher-Completed Measure of Development

Enid Wolf-Schein, Ed.D. & Jerome D. Schein, Ph.D.

Ages: Pre-kindergarten - 9th grade

Time: Approximately 20 minutes

Student Educational Assessment Screening Instrument (SEAS) is a developmental assessment tool.  It is designed to be used by regular classroom teachers as a criterion-referenced measurement to identify students, pre-kindergarten through grade 9, who may be in need of intervention as a result of mild to moderate disabilities in the following behavior and skill areas:

  1. Social/Emotional
    • Self-development and interpersonal relationships
  2. Gross and Fine Motor
    • Ability to control large and small muscle movements
  3. Language Development
    • Ability to hear, comprehend, speak, and write
  4. Auditory and Visual Perception
    • Ability to encode and decode auditory and visual stimuli
  5. Self-Help
    • Ability to perform personal management skills
  6. Academic/Cognitive
    • Functioning in reading and mathematics