Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool - Revised (SSKAAT-R)

The Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Test (SSKAAT-R) measures sexual knowledge and attitudes of developmentally delayed populations, with emph...
Item Product Price QTY
33705 Socio-Sexual Knowledge Attitudes Assessment Tool-Revised Kit $380.00
33705R SSKAAT-R Record Forms, Pk/20 $70.00
33705V SSKAAT-R Training Video $91.00
33705M Manual-SSKAAT-R $54.00
33705C SSKAAT-R Stimulus Cards $33.00
33705E SSKAAT-R Easel Picture Book $195.00
33705P SSKAAT-R Poly Briefcase $43.00

The Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Test (SSKAAT-R) measures sexual knowledge and attitudes of developmentally delayed populations, with emphasis on the setting of appropriate boundaries and behaviors. Useful in sex ed curricula or forensic setting

Measures sexual knowledge and attitudes of developmentally delayed and general populations, with emphasis on the setting of appropriate boundaries and behaviors.
Dorothy Griffiths, Ph. D. and Yona Lunsky, Ph. D.

  • Age Range: Teen and Adult, 15-80
  • Time: Untimed, open-ended

The Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool-Revised (SSKAAT-R) is a valuable tool for educators, counselors and social workers–both as an assessment and as an educational tool–for sex education issues. It is useful with individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, those whose language is limited, and with general populations.

SSKAAT-R is primarily designed as a criterion-based assessment of what the individual knows and believes. Comparison norms provided.


SSKAAT-R topics include:


  • Anatomy — male and female
  • Women's Bodies — menstruation, menopause, cancer and more
  • Men's Bodies — privacy, masturbation, cancer and more
  • Intimacy — dating, marriage, physical contact
  • Pregnancy, Childbirth & Childrearing — where babies come from, baby care and adoption
  • Birth Control and STDs — methods and use of birth control, prevention/symptoms of STDs
  • Healthy Boundaries — appropriate and inappropriate touching and behaviors.

The SSKAAT-R Kit includes the Easel Picture Book, Stimulus Cards, the Manual and a package of 20 Record Forms.

Professionally produced training video provides an introduction to the SSKAAT-R by its authors, and illustrates how to administer and score the instrument. Excerpts are provided from an administration session with Dr. Yona Lunsky.  Total video running time is about 75 minutes.   Video is in DVD format, though electronic options for viewing the video are possible.

Video Chapters

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • SSKAAT-R Kit Features
  • 4 different realistic interviews with clients with different presentations
  • Scoring SSKAAT-R
  • Using SSKAAT-R with perpetrators and survivors of sexual assault