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Same Journey Different Paths
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
31305 | Same Journey, Different Paths | $25.00 |
Take a Journey through Auditory Processing Disorder
Same Journey, Different Paths is a wonderfully comprehensive book written by parents and individuals with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). By sharing their stories and experiences, other parents and individuals with APD understand they are not alone. The authors of the book live all over the world, and found each other on social media sites, while looking for answers during their times of struggle. Through this connection, they started talking to one another, sharing advice, telling their stories, and developed relationships with one another. They now have a group of supportive people who can share in their unique experiences, help guide them through the process of getting help, and provide emotional support during those very difficult moments. Same Journey, Different Paths takes you into the life of each of these individuals, and helps you to understand the struggles encountered when trying to discover and cope with APD.
The book also provides an in depth look into what Auditory Processing disorder is, including symptoms, causes, effects, getting a diagnosis, and treatments. It includes resources for obtaining more information, and a glossary of terms.
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is considered a “hidden” disorder, which is difficult to diagnose, and is often mistaken for something else. The literature and resources for someone with APD are minimal, which contributes to one feeling alone on their journey through discovery and treatment. The authors of Same Journey, Different Paths have combined their stories in this book so that others can learn through their experiences, and get the help they need to be successful in school and in life. Join these remarkable people on their journeys of living with Auditory Processing Disorder.