Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST)

Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test is a brief screening measure to identify individuals who need a more comprehensive intellectual assessment
Item Product Price QTY
32422 Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test- Second Ed, Kit (RIST-2 $457.00
32422R RIST Record Forms, Pk/25 $95.00
The Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST) gives a quick and efficient measure of general intelligence that is strongly correlated with the full Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale (RIAS-2) and provides a verbal and nonverbal component

A brief screening measure to identify individuals who need a more comprehensive intellectual assessment.

Randy W. Kamphaus, Ph. D. and Cecil R. Reynolds, Ph. D.

  • Age Range: 3-94 years
  • Time: 10-15 min

Derived from the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales™ (RIAS™), the RIST provides clinicians with a quick, overall estimate of general intelligence, as well as enough information to determine is a more comprehensive evaluation is warranted.

The RIST includes a Verbal subtest (Guess What) and a Nonverbal subtest (Odd-Item Out). Guess What is a classic measure of crystallized intelligence, while Odd-Item Out shares characteristics of fluid intelligence. Both subtests have good psychometric properties, and similary good factor analytic and criterion-related validity evidence. Both can be efficiently administered and scored.

The RIST kit includes the RIAS/RIST Stimulus Book, 25 RIST Forms and a Manual.