Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition (RIAS™-2)

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition (RIAS™-2)

The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS-2) and Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST-2), Second Editions for broad cognitive testing...
Item Product Price QTY
31601 Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed (RIAS-2) $907.00
31601R RIAS-2 Record Forms, Pk/25 $136.00
31601F RIAS-2 Response Forms, Pk/25 $48.00
31601C RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit $982.00
31601M RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual $232.00
31601P RIST-2 Record Forms, Pk/25 $93.00
32422 Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test- Second Ed, Kit (RIST-2 $457.00
The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS-2) and Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST-2), Second Editions, provide a range of options for testing intelligence, across abilities and demographics

The RIAS-2 retains all the features that made the original instrument so popular and gives practitioners even more reason to trust this instrument.

The RIST-2 givens a quick and efficient measure of general intelligence that is strongly correlated with the full RIAS-2.

Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, and Randy W. Kamphaus, PhD

Features and benefits

  • Assesses both verbal and nonverbal intelligence. Verbal intelligence is assessed by measuring verbal problem solving and verbal reasoning, which uses acquired knowledge and skills. Nonverbal intelligence is assessed by measuring reasoning and spatial ability using novel situations and stimuli.
  • Optional memory subtests available. Verbal and nonverbal memory is assessed via the Composite Memory Index, useful when a broad estimate of memory is desired.
  • Yields a General Reasoning Index (GRI), a highly reliable score that reflects overall measurement of the general factor of reasoning and problem-solving skill.
  • Informs decisions in classification, selection, and educational placement. The RIAS-2 is ideal as a stand-alone intellectual assessment or as part of a clinical battery, when a standardizedassessment of intellectual functioning is needed to diagnose specific disorders such as intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, and for educational placement.

New in the RIAS-2

  • New speeded processing subtests and index. Two supplemental subtests (one verbal, one nonverbal) combine to create the Speeded Processing Index (SPI). Both the Speeded Naming Task and Speeded Picture Search subtests require far less motor skill than competitive measures.
  • Greater data for interpretation. Reliable change scores and ability–achievement discrepancies with the AAB are provided.
  • Revised basal/ceiling rules. Now all basal and ceiling rules for the subtests are consistent with one another and allow for more accurate assessment at the lowest and highest ability level.
  • Revised/new item content. Items throughout the test have been updated to eliminate confusing or outdated content. Guess What, Odd-Item Out, Verbal Reasoning, What’s Missing, Verbal Memory, and Nonverbal Memory subtests appear in this update, retaining the structure and familiarity of the original measure.
  • Wider range of T scores. For most grade levels, T score ranges of at least 25 to 75 are available.

Technical information

  • Normative data are based on a sample of 2,154 individuals ages 3-94 years from 32 states, representing 2012 U.S. Census proportions for age, gender, geographic region, ethnicity, and years of education.
  • Data were gathered from the following 12 clinical groups: stroke, dementia, hearing impaired, intellectual disability disorder (child and adult), TBI (child and adult), learning disabilities (child and adult), ADHD (child and adult), and gifted.
  • Percentile ranks, 90% and 95% confidence intervals, T scores, z scores, NCEs, and stanines are available.
  • Internal consistency studies associated with RIAS-2 indexes exceed .90 across age groups.
  • RIAS-2 indexes correlated highly with RIAS indexes, providing support for the consistency of item content and performance between the original measure and this revision.
  • Criterion-related validity was assessed by examining correlations between the RIAS-2 indexes and the WISC-IV™, WAIS-IV™, WPPSI-IV™, AAB, FAR, and ChAMP. All correlations were found to be in the strong to very strong range.

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale- Second Edition (RIAS-2) Introductory Kit
includes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 RIAS-2 Record Forms, 25 RIAS-2 Response Forms, RIAS-2/RIST-2 Stimulus Book 1, RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 2, RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 3, and RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 4

Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test- Second Edition (RIST-2) Introductory Kit
includes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 RIST-2 Record Forms, and RIAS-2/RIST-2 Stimulus Book 1

RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit
includes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 RIAS-2 Record Forms, 25 RIAS-2 Response Forms, 25 RIST-2 Record Forms, RIAS-2/RIST-2 Stimulus Book 1, RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 2, RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 3, and RIAS-2 Stimulus Book 4