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Porteus Maze Test
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
37055 | Porteus Maze Test | $175.00 | |
37055M | Porteus Maze Manual | $33.00 | |
37055R | Porteus Maze - Adult II, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055D | Porteus Maze - Yr. 5, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055E | Porteus Maze - Yr. 6, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055F | Porteus Maze - Yr. 7, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055G | Porteus Maze - Yr. 8, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055H | Porteus Maze - Yr. 9, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055I | Porteus Maze - Yr. 10, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055J | Porteus Maze - Yr. 11, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055K | Porteus Maze - Yr. 12, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055C | Porteus Maze - Yr. 4, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055B | Porteus Maze - Yr. 3, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055O | Porteus Maze - Adult I, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055L | Porteus Maze - Yr. 14, Pk/100 | $33.00 | |
37055S | Porteus Maze Scoring Sheets, Pk/25 | $33.00 | |
37055T | Porteus Maze Test Training DVD | $29.00 |
A non-language test of executive functioning, planning, and inhibition
S.D. Porteus
- Age Range: 3 years through adult
- Time: Approximately 15 minutes, individual administration
The Porteus Maze Test (Vineland Revision), published by Stoelting, is a nonverbal test of mental ability. The tests were designed to examine the individual's ability to use planning, patience and mental alertness in a novel, concrete performance task.
The Porteus Maze Test is especially accurate at differentiating lower levels of cognitive ability. Poor performance on the Maze Test has been found to be associated with ADHD, Substance Abuse, and other behavioral disorders related to deficits in executive functioning, particularly inihibition and planning. The Porteus Maze Test has been used in research as a relatively low-verbal measure of executive functioning.
The Porteus Maze Test also measures social sufficiency and adaptability. It is one of the few tests to reveal the temperamental defects that interfere with learning, and thus mar achievement.
The Porteus Maze Test yields a Developmental Age score, based on normative values, and a Qualitative Score, which is indicative of difficulties with inhibition. The Maze Test has been found to be useful in research to measure executive functioning and can be used as a screening instrument when working with individuals of low-language abilities when a measure of executive functioning is desired.
The Porteus Maze Test Kit consists of 14 Mazes (100 copies each) for ages 3 through 14, plus two adult levels, Scoring Sheets (25 copies each) and a Manual.
The Porteus Maze Test Scoring Sheets (25 copies each) provide instructions on obtaining a Developmental Age Score and Qualitative Score.
The Porteus Maze Test Training DVD provides training on test administration, research conducted with the test, scoring and interpretation procedures and case vignettes.
Replacement Mazes are available at $25.00, Pk/100. Use catalog number on maze form to order.
Porteus Maze Test Training Video Sample
- Watch the Introduction to the Porteus Maze Training Video
Porteus Maze Test Research
Bennett, P. C., Ong, B., & Ponsford, J. (2005). Assessment of executive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: Comparison of the BADS with other clinical neuropsychological measures. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 11(5), 606-13.
- Porteus Maze Test was strong among other instruments in identifying executive functioning deficits after TBI
Deckel, A. W., Hesselbrock, V., & Bauer, L. (1996). Antisocial personality disorder, childhood delinquency, and frontal brain functioning: EEG and neuropsychological findings. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52(6), 639-650.
- Porteus Maze Test used in investigation of APD
Donohoe, R. T., & Benton, D. (1999). Cognitive functioning is susceptible to the level of blood glucose. Psychopharmacology, 145(4), 378-385.
- Relationship between glucose and brain functioning, as assessed with the Porteus
Kirsch, P., Lis, S., Esslinger, C., Gruppe, H., Danos, P., Broll, J., . . . Gallhofer, B. (2006). Brain activation during mental maze solving. Neuropsychobiology, 54(1), 51-8.
- Parietal lobe and prefrontal cortex activation when solving Porteus mazes
Krikorian, R., & Bartok, J. A. (1998). Developmental data for the porteus maze test. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12(3), 305-310.
- Updated normative data for Porteus Maze Test and its use to reflect developmental level
Lapierre, D., Braun, C. M. J., Hodgins, S., Toupin, J., Léveillée, S., & Constantineau, C. (1995). Neuropsychological correlates of violence in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 21(2), 253-262.
- Indications of orbitofrontal cortex issues reflected in Porteus performance
Levin, H. S., Song, J., Ewing-Cobbs, L., & Roberson, G. (2001). Porteus maze performance following traumatic brain injury in children. Neuropsychology, 15(4), 557-567.
- PMT to aid in diagnosis of TBI in children
Mack, J. L., & Patterson, M. B. (1995). Executive dysfunction and alzheimer's disease: Performance on a test of planning ability, the porteus maze test. Neuropsychology, 9(4), 556-564.
- The Porteus Maze Test showed differences in those with and without particular dementia
Snowden, R. J., Gray, N. S., Pugh, S., & Atkinson, G. (2013). Executive function as a function of sub-clinical psychopathy. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(7), 801-804.
- Relationship found between Porteus performance and psychopathy
Tuvblad, C., May, M., Jackson, N., Raine, A., & Baker, L. A. (2017). Heritability and longitudinal stability of planning and behavioral disinhibition based on the porteus maze test. Behavior Genetics, 47(2), 164-174.
- New study with Porteus used in longitudinal research