Personality Assessment Inventory™–Adolescent Software Portfolio (PAI®-A SP)

The Personality Assessment Inventory- Adolescent Software Portfolio (PAI-A SP–CD-ROM) broadly assesses youth personality and produces a scoring r...
Item Product Price QTY
31477M PAI-A Manual $161.00
31477F PAI-A Response Forms, Pk/25 $112.00
The Personality Assessment Inventory- Adolescent Software Portfolio provides broad testing of teen psychological and mental health domains. The scoring software yields an interpretive report with clinical and diagnostic information.

Used to score and interpret PAI-A results, the PAI-A SP provides comprehensive and accurate Clinical Interpretive Reports based on on-screen administration of the PAI-A or hand-entry of an adolescent’s item or scale raw scores.

  • Powerful diagnostic and interpretive logic generates interpretive statements for all 22 PAI-A scales; relevant subscale-to-scale and subscale-to-subscale interpretive considerations are addressed.
  • The convenient Item/Response Booklet contains both the item booklet and the answer sheet—all in one.
  • Program functionality includes navigation tools (e.g., menu system, Quickstart dialog box, toolbar, status bar), export features, and report editing.
  • Requirements
      Windows:   XP, Vista, 7, 8
          Mac users: install Windows in VirtualBox or BootCamp.
    Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported.
      Prerequisites:   NTFS file system; Internet connection or telephone for activation and counter update; CD-ROM drive for installation
    ou pay a per-use fee only if you choose to administer the PAI-A on-screen. A Counter Serial Number is used to activate the on-screen administrations