Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment (NAAVI) Kit

Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment (NAAVI) Kit

Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment (NAAVI) , published by Stoelting, is the only assessment kit to guide readers throug...
Item Product Price QTY
31736 Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults w/Visual Impairment $1,495.00
31736F NAAVI Tactual Formboard Test $110.00
31736P NAAVI Pattern of Search Test $91.00
31736G NAAVI Pattern of Search Test Forms, Pk/50 $57.00
31736M NAAVI Manual $140.00
31736B NAAVI Object Assembly - Block $110.00
31736C NAAVI Object Assembly - Doll $165.00
31736H NAAVI Object Assembly - Hand $165.00
31736L NAAVI Object Assembly - Ball $110.00
31736D NAAVI Digit Symbol Boards $86.00
31736R NAAVI Pattern Board and Pegs $100.00
31736T NAAVI Tactile Block Design $215.00
31736A NAAVI Adapted Token Test $30.00
31736Y NAAVI Tray $65.00
Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment (NAAVI) , published by Stoelting, is the only assessment kit to guide readers through a full battery of neuropsychological and cognitive testing of individuals with vision problems or blind.


John T. Gallagher, Ph. D. and Katherine A. Burnham 

This book and kit, published by Stoelting, is the only combined text and psychological assessment of its kind to cover the area of neuropsychological testing of persons without vision, or with limited vision.  There are two sections to the NAAVI, the textbook and the full assessment kit.  Both enable the practitioner to administer full neuropsychological assessments of blind individuals. 

  • Ages: Normative Scores for ages 16 - 70+


Comprehensive review of all facets of neuropsychological assessment of those with visual impairments.  The authors draw on their extensive experience treating individuals with visual impairments and developing assessments to provide a comprehensive understanding of individual functioning. 

The authors begin by reviewing the visual system, problems that can occur in the visual system, neuropsychological functions and how they are impacted by visual issues, how to assess neuropsychological functions without vision, a history of cognitive and neuropsychological assessment of those with visual impairments, and how the assessments covered in this kit were developed.  It includes reviews to help clinicians identify effective tools for assessment work with this population.  The author also presents a novel condition involving visual impairment and low birthweight.  Please see the "Documents" tab for samples of the manual, including Table of Contents.


The NAAVI Kit is a full neuropsychological assessment battery for individuals with visual impairments. Ten subtests are provided with equipment, instructions for administration, record forms, and summary forms provided to include everything you need to administer a complete assessment of and individual's cognitive and neuropsychological functions.  Normative scores are provided to contextualize individual performance in terms of performance of others with visual impairment. 

Research is reviewed which substantiates the development, reliability, and validity of the assessment.  It is not sufficient to only use existing verbal assessments in nonvisual assessment, as a great deal of functions are not assessed in this way.  In addition, verbal skills may be compromised, which would impact performance.  Subtests in the NAAVI assess all facets of functioning, including nonvisual and nonverbal skills.

The textbook provides the grounding and the manual and subtests provide the tools to enable the clinician to gain a thorough understanding of individuals with nonvisual assessment.  The textbook could serve as a reference for use in an assessment class or for a clinician seeking to gain an understanding of nonvisual assessment.  Unlimited reproduction of assessment forms are included with purchase of the manual.  Subtests are designed to be modular and may be purchased separately, allowing clinicians to construct a battery to meet their needs.  Specific case examples make the assessment process come alive, and make the procedures easy to understand, and administer.

As a result of information in this book, the clinician will be prepared to provide assessments for the visually impaired, in the areas of:

  • Vocation
  • Academics
  • Personality
  • Intelligence (Verbal and Nonverbal)
  • Neuropsychology
  • Executive Functioning
  • Spatial Ability
  • Memory (Verbal and Nonverbal)
  • Special clinical populations include: low birth weight, with a new Pervasive Developmental Disorder defined


Areas Assessed

Adapted Token Test

Receptive Language, Hearing, Understanding directions, Immediate verbal retention

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT)

List learning, Incidental memory, Episodic memory

Tactual formboard test (tfbt)

Spatial exploration, Spatial learning, Independent travel, Spatial distortion, Motor coordination, Sustained attention, Memory- recognition and recall, Spatial understanding, Spatial relations

Auditory Cancellation Test

Attention- immediate and sustained, Impulsivity, Response monitoring, Adaptability, ADHD

Digit Symbol

Spatial learning, Memory, Haptic sense, Processing speed, Learning, Spatial awareness and memory, Spatial orientation

Block Design

Spatial understanding, Tactual-spatial understanding, Spatial rotation understanding, Pattern analysis, Spatial construction

Object Assembly

Spatial understanding, Spatial construction, Manual dexterity, Assembly skills, Part-to-whole reasoning and construction, Problem solving

Pattern Board

Tactual-spatial memory, Spatial preference, Spatial distortion, Verbal memory, Kinesthetic memory

Pattern of Search Test

Independent travel capability, Executive function, Planning, Thoroughness of spatial exploration, Spatial functioning























Assessments described in this text include:

Assessments without separate manipulatives:

  • Auditory Cancellation Test
  • Michigan Mathematics Test for the Blind
  • Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

Assessments with separate manipulatives (please click each assessment go to that product page):

Haptic Intelligence Scale Subtests

The Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment Kit contains the Manual with all Assessment Forms (unlimited reproduction), all subtests and equipment listed above, a tray for holding and administering subtests, and a rolling backpack to carry all items.

Record Forms for each subtest are listed on each product page.  In addition, an entire Record Form is listed under "Documents" tab on this webpage.  Forms may be printed from these pages for your convenience.


Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairments Assessment Forms


On this page you can see samples of Summary and Record Forms, Guided Clinical Interview, and Table of Contents. The full unredacted Summary and Record forms are available to those purchasing the test upon  request.






The following links provide an example of using one of the NAAVI subtests.  The Tactual Formboard Test (TFBT) is one of the subtests included in the NAAVI.  This one subtest yields a great deal of interpretive information.  The NAAVI manual explains how to use this subtest, as well as other NAAVI subtests and other tests in general, to obtain information about different neuropsychological areas of functioning.

The following links to a document containing excerpts from the NAAVI book that cover different areas of functioning assessed by the TFBT and how that test assesses those areas:


The following link is a case study that illustrates use of the NAAVI to assess an individual with visual impairments:



The following link contains an Interpretation Guide for the NAAVI.  It summarizes interpretive information that each of the subtests yield.  It provides a chart listing the different areas of functioning the subtests assess.  Thhis is followed by references to the manual explaining how the subtests assess those different areas and the location of that information in the manual:

NAAVI Interpretation Guide

The following link contains a pdf of a poster presentation presented at the American Congress of Rehabiliation Medicine (ACRM).  It summarizes the NAAVI and reviews specific applications, including identifying individuals with low birthweight and intellectual disabilities and how the NAAVI can help predict travel independence:

NAAVI ACRM Presentation