Kindergarten Diagnostic Instrument (KDI-2 NU)

The KDI-2 NU is a comprehensive and time efficient screening instrument designed to assess developmental readiness skills. The KDI-2 NU was normed ...
Item Product Price QTY
30503 Kindergarten Diagnostic Instrument (KDI-2 NU) Kit $395.00
30503R KDI-2 NU Student Response Books, Pk/25 $65.00
30503M KDI-2 NU Administration Manual $95.00
30503K KDI-2 NU Kindergarten Fun Book, Pk/25 $119.00
30503C KDI-2 NU Computer Scoring Download (Windows or Mac) $295.00
The KDI-2 NU is a comprehensive and time efficient screening instrument designed to assess developmental readiness skills. The KDI-2 NU was normed on 2,800 subjects.

The KDI-2 NU is a comprehensive and time efficient screening instrument designed to assess
developmental readiness skills. The KDI-2 NU was normed on 2,800 subjects.

Daniel C. Miller, Ph.D.

Age Range: 4 – 6 years
Administration Time: 35 minutes
Publication Date: 2019

Developmental Readiness Skills Assessed by the KDI-2

  • Body Awareness – visual-motor skills and knowledge of body parts
  • Concept Mastery – knowledge of basic kindergarten concepts
  • Form/Letter Identification – knowledge of shape names & letter identification skills
  • General Information – ability to recall basic information from memory
  • Gross Motor – large muscle coordination
  • Memory for Sentences – short-term auditory memory
  • Number Skills – knowledge of basic math skills
  • Phonemic Awareness – phonemic awareness skills
  • Verbal Associations – language-based reasoning skills
  • Visual Discrimination – visual discrimination skills
  • Visual Memory – visual memory skills
  • Visual-Motor Integration – eye-hand coordination, drawing ability, & visual-spatial skills
  • Vocabulary – knowledge of word meanings
Kit includes all items except Kindergarten Fun Book and Computerized Scoring.

My Kindergarten Fun Book, 2nd Edition

My Kindergarten Fun Book-2 is a take-home book for parents and children that contains learning games and activities designed to help children develop kindergarten readiness skills. After a KDI-2 assessment is completed, My Kindergarten Fun Book-2 can be used in a prescriptive fashion to encourage practice in the skills needing improvement.