How to Improve Classroom Behavior Series

How to Improve Classroom Behavior Series

Each How to Improve Classroom Behavior booklet describes a particular problem (ranging from talking out-of-turn to physical aggression) then provi...
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32419 How to Improve Classroom Behavior Series***DISCONTINUED $0.00
Each How to Improve Classroom Behavior booklet describes a particular problem (ranging from talking out-of-turn to physical aggression) then provides teachers with specific, easy-to-apply steps for effective behavior modification.

A valuable teacher resource for all schools.

  • Age Range: Elementary through High School Students

Each booklet in this series describes a particular problem (ranging from talking out-of-turn to physical aggression) then provides teachers with specific, easy-to-apply steps for effective behavior modification. The booklets are written in an interactive format, which allows the teacher to create an atmosphere that is productive and conducive to learning.

How to Help Students Follow Directions, Pay Attention, and Stay on Task
Provides strategies for primary through secondary school classrooms. Includes concrete information on using language more effectively; directly teaching the skills needed; dealing with noncompliance; using reinforcement, and using proven-effective instructional strategies. Numerous examples are included for various ages and ability levels.


How to Deal Effectively with Lying, Stealing and Cheating
Deceptive behaviors undermine any level of trust, and once a student develops a reputation for deception, it is difficult to overcome. Lying, cheating and stealing have consequences that may not be readily apparent to the student.


How to Prevent and Safely Manage Physical Aggression and Property Destruction
This compilation of techniques helps teach alternatives to health- and life-threatening behaviors. Chapters include Teaching Students What to Do; Crisis Prevention, Intervention and Post-vention; Verbal Management of Behavior; Dressing for Safety, and Stress Management for Teachers.

How to Help Students Play and Work Together
Provides teacher-friendly ideas for encouraging cooperation in and out of the classroom. Simple strategies are described, such as designing a classroom layout to facilitate interaction. More complex approaches are also given, such as instituting cooperative learning and peer tutoring.

How to Help Students Complete Classwork and Homework Assignments
Addresses the best strategies for teachers, parents and students to facilitate accurate, timely and proficient completion of assignments. Provides elementary through high school teachers with proven tactics for success. Students learn how to implement recruitment and self-management approaches to facilitate school success.


How to Deal Effectively with Whining and Tantrum Behaviors
Provides step-by-step procedure for modifying this problem behavior. Assesses why the child displays this behavior, provides specific procedures for behavior modification. Describes a number of intervention approaches in detail, for enhancing the effectiveness of intervention.

How to Deal with Students Who Challenge and Defy Authority
Particularly effective in helping teachers combat issues relating to gangs and school violence, this book provides a strategy to help prevent defiance by teaching social skills that allow children to appear more compliant, and avoid altercations with other children and adults. Outlines effective, step-by-step instructions, as well as how to prompt and reward appropriate social skills. The books also discusses what to do when skill instruction does not work, and the student's behavior begins to escalat

How to Help Students Remain Seated
Describes easy, effective and constructive procedures, when reprimanding and threatening fail.

How to Deal Effectively with Inappropriate Talking and Noisemaking
This book helps teachers quiet a classroom, manage classroom talking, and maintain acceptable noise levels through implementation of effective rules. Teaches students when and how to refrain from talking, making noises and calling out.

The complete Series includes one each of the above titles. Individual booklets are available separately.