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ITEM: 32708
Functional Curriculum for Providing Educational Programming for Those with Disabilities
A Functional Curriculum for Teaching Students with Disabilities
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
32708 | Functional Curriculum for Students w/Special Needs, 4th Ed. | $88.00 |
Functional Curriculum for Providing Educational Programming for Those with Disabilities, a four-volume set, can be used independently, or in combination, as a curriculum guide and teaching text to provide comprehensive, educational programming for persons who are disabled.
This four-volume set can be used independently, or in combination, as a curriculum guide and teaching text to provide comprehensive, educational programming for persons who are disabled.
- Volume I addresses the basic skill attainment goal for all students with disabilities in the areas of self-care, gross and fine motor skills, and household management and living skills.
- Volume II explores the communication skills necessary in everyday life, including nonverbal and oral communication.
- Volume III addresses functional academics, with an emphasis on functional reading, writing, and mathematics.
- Volume IV covers interpersonal, competitive job-finding, and leisure-time skills.
All volumes contain selected lesson plans and suggested materials, resources and readings.
The complete Functional Curriculum includes all four Volumes.