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Expressive and Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests- Fourth Edition (EROWPVT-4)
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
32113 | Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (EOWPVT-4 Kit) | $220.00 | |
32113R | EOWPVT-4 Record Forms, Pk/25 | $45.00 | |
32113T | EOWPVT-4 Test Plates | $90.00 | |
32113M | EOWPVT-4 Manual | $85.00 | |
32114 | Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (ROWPVT-4 Kit) | $220.00 | |
32114M | ROWPVT-4 Manual | $85.00 | |
32114R | ROWPVT-4 Record Forms, Pk/25 | $45.00 | |
32114T | ROWPVT-4 Test Plates | $90.00 |
Expanded norms for toddlers through geriatrics
Nancy A. Martin, Ph. D. And Rick Brownell, M.S.
- Age Range: 2 through 95+ years
- Time: Untimed—no more than 20 minutes each
The Expressive and Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests, 4th Edition are individually- administered, norm-referenced tests with non-threatening formats, and colorful, engaging test plates. New words for both young and older ages increases the utility of these popular tests.
The EOWPVT-4 offers a quick and reliable measure of English expressive vocabulary, assessed by asking an individual to name (in one word) the object, actions and concepts pictured in color illustrations. The ROWPVT-4 assesses how well one can match an orally-presented word to a color illustration.
Test items are presented in a developmental sequence, starting with the easiest concepts and ending with the less-frequently encountered. Differential starting points, and use of critical-range testing ensures that the test is not overly time consuming.
Raw scores are converted to standard scores, percentile ranges and age equivalents. The Record Forms provides a convenient score summary and graph that can be used to compare scores on both the EOWPVT-4 AND ROWPVT-4. The tests were co-normed, allowing a comprehensive assessment of vocabulary. They are not language tests, per se, as they do not assess syntax, grammar or context.
The EOWPVT-4 and ROWPVT-4 Kits include a Manual, one easel-bound Booklet of 190 color
test Plates and 25 Record Forms.