Executive Functions Training

Fun, functional activities teach students to plan, execute, complete and monitor tasks
Item Product Price QTY
31058 Executive Functions Training, Elementary $54.00
31059 Executive Functions Training, Adolescent $54.00
Fun, functional activities teach students to plan, execute, complete and monitor tasks

Fun, functional activities teach students to plan, execute, complete and monitor tasks                                                                                                                                                            

Age Range:  6-11 years (Elementary)

Age Range:  12-Adult (Adolescent)


The Elementary program includes six, critical skill areas:

*Working Memory                          *Time Management                       *Self-Monitoring

*Skills for Behavior                          *Planning and Organization         *Flexible Thinking


The Adolescent program includes eight skill areas, in developmental order:

*Self-Talk                            *Self-Monitoring

*Planning                            *Setting Goals and Self-Evaluating

*Attention Awareness  *Listening Awareness

*Organization                    *Initiation