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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with Suicidal Adolescents
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
31716 | Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents | $45.00 |
Offers the latest thinking on core elements of DBT, while illustrating important strategies specific to treating adolescents
Alec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, and Marsha M. Linehan
This highly-practical book adapts the proven techniques of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DPT) to treatment of multi-problem adolescents, at risk for suicide and self-injury. It is ideal for use by mental health practitioners, including psychologists, psychiatrists and clinical social workers, who treat multi-problem adolescents and their families.
The authors, who are master clinicians, take the reader step-by-step through understanding and assessing severe emotional dysregulation in teens, and implementing individual, family and group-based interventions.
Chapters in this book are:
- Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescents: Who is Most at Risk?
- What Do We Know About Effective Treatments for Suicidal Adolescents?
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Treatment Stages, Primary Targets and Strategies
- CBT Program Structure: Functions and Modes
- Dialectical Dilemmas for Adolescents: Addressing Secondary Targets
- Assessing Adolescents: Suicide Risk, Diagnosis and Treatment Feasibility
- Orienting Adolescents and Families to Treatment and Obtaining Commitment
- Individual Therapy with Adolescents
- Including Families in Treatment
- Skills Training with Adolescents
- Assessing Progress, Running a Graduate Group, and Terminating Treatment
- Program Issues
Appendix A. Mindfulness Exercises for Adolescents
Appendix B. Walking the Middle Path Skills: Lecture and Discussion Points
Appendix C. Handouts for Walking the Middle Path Skills
Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents includes 30 Mindfulness Exercises, Lecture Notes, 12 Reproducible Handouts, and a completely new DBT Skills Training Module, for adolescents and their families.
Hardcover; 346 pages