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Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test- Second Edition (CMAT-2)
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
33313 | Comp. Mathematical Abilities Test-2nd Edition (CMAT-2) Kit | $741.00 | |
33313-PA | CMAT-2 Student Response Booklet 1, Form A (Pk/25) | $67.00 | |
33313-PB | CMAT-2 Student Response Booklet 1, Form B (Pk/25) | $67.00 | |
33313-RA | CMAT-2 Examiner Record Booklet, Form A (Pk/25) | $83.00 | |
33313-RB | CMAT-2 Examiner Record Booklet, Form B (Pk/25) | $83.00 | |
33313-SA | CMAT-2 Student Response Booklet 2, Form A (Pk/25) | $67.00 | |
33313-SB | CMAT-2 Student Response Booklet 2, Form B (Pk/25) | $67.00 | |
33313M | CMAT-2 Manual | $127.00 |
Authors: Wayne P. Hresko • Shelley R. Herron • Rita J. Sherrbenou
Age: 8-0 to 18-11
Testing Time: 30 minutes to 2 hours
Administration: Individual
Scoring: Online only
The Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test–Second Edition (CMAT-2) is a highly reliable and valid measure that was designed to assess a broad spectrum of mathematical abilities in the areas of calculation, reasoning, and application.
CMAT-2 Subtests
The CMAT-2 has six Core Subtests (Addition; Subtraction; Multiplication; Division; Problem Solving; and Charts, Tables, and Graphs) and six Supplemental Subtests (Algebra; Geometry; Rational Numbers; Time; Money; and Measurement). For most testing purposes, examiners will only need to give the core subtests, which can be administered in about 45 minutes. The Supplemental Subtests are used in those relatively few instances where information about higher-level mathematics ability is needed.
Core Composites
Basic Calculations–Subtests comprised by this composite are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. It measures basic calculations.
Mathematical Reasoning–Subtests that constitute this composite are Problem Solving and Charts, Tables, and Graphs. It measures mathematical reasoning.
General Mathematics–The six core CMAT-2 subtests combine to form this composite. This is the most widely used composite.
Supplemental Composites
Advanced Calculations–Subtests comprised by this composite are Rational Numbers, Algebra, and Geometry. These subtests are usually given to middle school or older students who are showing poor achievement, or to advanced students.
Practical Applications–Subtests that make up this composite are Time, Money, and Measurement. It measures the application of mathematical calculations and reasoning to concepts of time, the use of money, and understanding units of measurement.
Global Mathematic Ability–The 12 CMAT-2 subtests combine to form this composite.
New Features of the CMAT-2
• All-new age- and grade-based normative samples were stratified to match 2019 U.S. population estimates.
• An equivalent Form B was added.
• Diagnostic accuracy analyses, which are considered the most rigorous techniques for establishing a test’s validity, are included. These analyses involve the computation of sensitivity and specificity indexes and receiver operating characteristic/area under the curve (ROC/AUC) statistics.
• All users now have access to the all-new CMAT-2 Online Scoring and Report System. This system is a quick, efficient tool for (a) entering test session data; (b) converting subtest item scores or total raw scores into scaled scores; (c) generating composite index scores, percentile ranks, and upper and lower confidence intervals; (d) comparing CMAT-2 scores to identify significant intraindividual differences; and (e) obtaining a score summary or narrative report. Use of the software ensures accurate application of basals and ceilings and calculation of scores.
Technical and Statistical Characteristics
For complete technical and statistical characteristics of the CMAT-2, please view the product’s page on our website at
COMPLETE CMAT-2 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual, Picture Book (Form A and Form B), 2 packets of 25 Examiner Record Booklets (Form A and Form B), 2 packets of 25 Student Response Booklet 1 (Form A and Form B), 2 packets of 25 Student Response Booklet 2 (Form A and Form B), and Online Scoring and Report System.