Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Adult (CAT-A)

Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Adult (CAT-A)

The CAT-A is a comprehensive, highly-reliable, 108-item self-report instrument, sensitive to the symptomatology of attention deficits, with and wit...
Item Product Price QTY
32885 Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Adult (CAT-A) $314.00
32885M CAT-A Manual $131.00
32885S CAT-A Score Summary/Profile Forms, Pk/25 $56.00
32885-CS CAT-SP for CAT-A Only Scoring Program-CD-ROM***DISCONTINUED $0.00
32885R CAT-A Rating Forms, Pk/25 $145.00
The CAT-A is a comprehensive, highly-reliable, 108-item self-report instrument, sensitive to the symptomatology of attention deficits, with and without hyperactivity, in adults.

  • Age Range: 19-79 years
  • Time: 20-25 minutes
  • Restricted Use: Level B

The CAT-A is a comprehensive, highly-reliable, 108-item self-report instrument, sensitive to the symptomatology of attention deficits, with and without hyperactivity, in adults. Closely aligned with current DSM-IV criteria, the CAT-A includes scales, clusters, and items that are sensitive to symptom presentation, in differing contexts, and expressed as either internal sensations or overt behaviors.

Item content, Clinical clusters and Locus clusters and similar and parallel to the CAT-C (Stoelting Cat. No. 32884) to provide an assessment continuum across an individual’s life.

The CAT-A consists of two parts:

  • Part 1 — Childhood Memories: memories, behaviors and sensations
  • Part 2 — Current Symptoms: parallel memories, behaviors and sensations in adulthood

The CAT-A provides Clinical Index scores for both Childhood Memories and Current Symptoms, as well as the summation of the two sections. In addition, three validity scales are embedded within the instrument–Negative Impression, Infrequency and Positive Impression.

The CAT-A was standardized on a sample of 800 adults, ages 19-79 years. The sample was matched to the U.S. Population for gender, race/ethnicity and education level. Concurrent validity for the CAT-A was via comparison with the Conners’ Rating Scales (Stoelting Cat. No.32750) the Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales, and the Clinical Assessment of Depression, with correlations for both the nonclinical and combined clinical samples that are in the moderate to high range.

The CAT-A Kit includes a Manual, 25 each of the carbonless CAT-A Rating Forms and CAT-A Score Summary/Profile Forms

CAT-A/CD-ROM Kit includes the On-Screen Software Manual, Installation Guide, Unlimited-Use Scoring and Reporting for the CAT-A.

To have a complete kit, users must purchase CAT-A/CD-ROM Kit and CAT-A Kit.

CAT-A/CAT-C/CD-ROM Kit has scoring software for both the CAT-A and CAT-C.  Both the CAT-C and CAT-A Kits must be purchased separately to have complete kits.

Coefficient Alpha Reliabilities (a) for the CAT-A Scales and Clusters
Childhood Memories scale/cluster
Current Symtoms scale/cluster
Clinical scale   Clinical scale
Inattention (ATT) .89 Inattention (ATT)
Impulsivity (IMP) .85 Impulsivity (IMP)
Hyperactivity (HYP) .85 Hyperactivity (HYP)
Context cluster   Context cluster
Personal (PER) .84 Personal (PER)
Academic/Occupational (A/O) .90 Academic/Occupational (A/O)
Social (SOC) .78 Social (SOC)
Locus cluster   Locus cluster
Internal (INT) .89 Internal (INT)
External (EXT) .94 External (EXT)
Childhood Memories   Current Symptoms Memories
Clinical Index (CM CI) .94 Clinical Index (CS CI)
CAT-A Clinical Index (CAT-A CI) .96