Children’s Psychological Processes Scale- Normative Update (CPPS-NU)

CPPS assesses a wide range of children's abilities, using a computerized assessment format that produces a report
Item Product Price QTY
31300 Children's Psych. Processes Scale NU(CPPS-NU)Teacher Kit $275.00
31300F CPPS NU Teacher Form online Rating Forms and Reports, Pk/25 $75.00
31300-FC CPPS NU Teacher Form online Rating Forms and Reports, Pk/100 $250.00
31300M CPPS NU Teacher Form Printed Manual $75.00
Children’s Psychological Processes Scale (CPPS) is designed to identify psychological processing deficits in children referred for a learning disability (LD) evaluation. An entirely online assessment,it is also suitable for screening and progress monitoring.

The CPPS-NU is designed to identify psychological processing deficits in children referred for a learning disability (LD) evaluation. An entirely online assessment, the CPPS-NU is also suitable for screening and progress monitoring.

  • Ages: 5-12 years old
  • Administration: Teacher completed report

An easy-to-use and comprehensive evaluation

  • CPPS-NU subscales include Attention, Auditory Processing, Executive Functions, Fine Motor, Fluid Reasoning, Long-Term Recall, Oral Language, Phonological Processing, Processing Speed, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working Memory. It also provides a General Processing Ability composite score.
  • Online scoring and reports are free with the purchase of online rating forms. The reports include a brief narrative, a graph of confidence interval bands, a score summary table that includes change-sensitive W scores, and a discrepancy table for determining intraindividual strengths and weaknesses. An optional T score to standard score conversion table allows you to compare CPPS-NU scores with those obtained from achievement and cognitive measures.
  • The process is simple—after purchase, the CPPS-NU system sends an e-mail to the teacher whose ratings you wish to obtain. You'll be notified by e-mail when those ratings have been completed, after which you'll be able to get scores and generate reports. Alternately, you can print the online rating form and provide it manually to the teacher if he or she cannot access your CPPS-NU account. Reports can be downloaded to your computer for easy editing and are also saved in your CPPS-NU account.

Use the CPPS-NU with confidence—even for diagnostic purposes

  • Normed on a sample of 1,121 children rated by 278 teachers from 128 communities in 30 states. The sample's demographics closely match those of the U.S. population.
  • For the four normative age groups, the internal consistency reliability coefficients of the subscales range from .88 to .98, with the majority in the mid-90s.
  • Validity support comes from high correlations with measures of processing skills, cognitive skills, and achievement and from factor analytic and developmental evidence. In particular, CPPS-NU Attention, Executive Functions, and Working Memory subscales have a significant correlation with every BRIEF score. Other CPPS-NU scales correlate with BRIEF metacognitive scales.
  • Compared to matched controls, subjects with LD had significantly higher means on all subscales. In addition, the CPPS-NU has high classification accuracy in regard to LD.

Note: Initial purchase of the CPPS-NU and activation of a CPPS-NU online account requires registration by a qualified clinician. Because all correspondence regarding account set-up and report activity will be sent to the qualified clinician, we require his or her e-mail address and phone number at the time of purchase. If you plan to order this product by fax or mail, please provide this information when you order.

Children's Psychological Processes Scale- Normative Update (CPPS-NU) Intro Kit Print comes with a printed manual and 50 online forms.

Children's Psychological Processes Scale- Normative Update (CPPS-NU) Intro Kit PDF Download comes with a PDF downloadable and printable manual and 50 online forms.