Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning- Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA)

Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning- Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA)

Measures time management, organization and problem solving, self-restraint, self-motivation, and self-regulation of emotion; highly predictive of e...
Item Product Price QTY
31002 Barkley Deficits in Exec. Functioning (BDEFS-CA) Kit $195.00
BDEFS-CA offers a snapshot of the capacities involved in time management; organization and problem solving; self-restraint; self-motivation, and self-regulation of emotions, more predictive of executive functions performance than much longer tests.

Reproducible Forms and Score Sheets.

Provides an ecologically-valid assessment of executive functioning deficits in daily living.

Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D.

Age Range:  6-17 years

Time: 10-15 minutes-Long Form

           3-5 minutes-Short Form

The BDEFS-CA offers a snapshot of the capacities involved in time management; organization and problem solving; self-restraint; self-motivation, and self-regulation of emotions.  Evidence has shown that the BDEFS-CA is far more predictive of impairments in daily life activities that more time-consuming and costly, traditional Executive Functioning tests. 

In addition to the two Parent Forms (long and short), there is also a short Clinical Interview Form, for use in unusual circumstances, where a parent is unable to complete a Rating Scale.  Special features include an ADHD Risk Index, in the long form.

Paperback, with convenient wire binding.  184 pages.