Stoelting Tabletop (QSI™) Stereotaxic Syringe Pump

The Tabletop Quintessential Stereotaxic Injector allows for infusion and/or withdrawal of small volumes in stereotaxic applications. *Syringes Sold Seperately

Item Product Price QTY
53325 QSI Dual Microliter Syringe Pump, Tabletop System Login
53327 QSI Dual Microliter Syringe Pump, Tabletop injector ONLY Login

We've tabled our classic Quintessential Stereotaxic Injector (QSI™) to provide an even more versatile injector suited for stereotaxic surgeries. 

If you already own a QSI add the Tabletop system by simply purchasing the Tabletop Injector Only (53327).

Expanded Versatility and Control

Stoelting's Tabletop QSI allows for dual simultaneous injections of nl-µL volumes. Program injection parameters (volume, rate, and syringe specifications) using the easy-to-use touch screen control box. Accommodates Hamilton syringes sized 0.5uL-250uL. If you already own a QSI add the Tabletop system by simply purchasing the Tabletop Injector Only (53327). If purchased as a single injector, add a second injector at any time.

QSI™ Features

  • Easy-to-use Touch Screen Control Box
  • Dual, Simultaneous Injections
  • Preprogrammed Syringe Specifications
  • Out-of-range Warnings