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Manual Stereotaxic Injector
Item | Product | Price | QTY |
51639 | Manual Stereotaxic Injector | Login |
For precisely-controlled infusion/withdrawal of picoliter volumes
Stoelting’s new Stereotaxic Injector provides an economical means of injecting/withdrawing a calibrated volume with simple, precise manual control.
Mounted directly on a stereotaxic frame, it allows precise injection directly through the needle into the tissue. This avoids the compliance issues that arise when injections are forced through plastic tubing. Volumes as small as 200 picoliters may be infused.
The precise withdrawal mechanism makes it simple to pick up even one small sample! This results in minimal waste, preventing degradation of precious samples.
The injector has a universal adaptor for all Stoelting and Hamilton 700, 7000, or Gas-Tight Series syringes, ranging from 1 to 100µl sizes and enables a wide range of volumes to be delivered — both infusion and withdrawal operation.
The manual Stereotaxic Injector is graduated in 0.01mm increments. One complete revolution advances the plunger of the syringe 0.5mm.
Plumber adaptor allows both infusion and withdrawal operation. Precise withdrawal mechanism makes it simple to pick up even one small (amount) dose! This results in minimal waste of precious samples and prevents degradation of samples due to long-term storage of multiple doses in the syringe at room temperature. With precise manual control, infusions can be as slow as required; slow infusions are more likely to stay in place, and not forced back along the needle track, since the neural tissue has more time to adjust to the incoming fluid.
The Large Probe Holder 51633 (included) allows for mounting injector directly to the manipulator arm of a stereotaxic instrument for precise targeting of injections.