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Hood, Downdraft & Workstation Filters
Made specifically for Hazard Technology Hoods, Downdraft Tables, and Workstations our various Filters protect from Hazardous fumes, vapors, and particles.
Filters should be changed regularly and according to your specific use and needs. Even without use, once a filter has been installed, it should be changed at least once per year. Failure to replace the filter increases the risk that your hood will not provide appropriate protection from hazardous materials.
Filter options include:
• Carbon (Charcoal) - rids the work area of hazardous fumes and vapors.
• HEPA - used for containment of particles - toxic powders, asbestos, lead, latent fingerprint powder, etc.
• Potassium Permanganate - safely absorbs and neutralizes formaldehyde and paraformaldehyde fumes.
• Polyester – generally used for dust prevention and as a pre-filter in combination with HEPA filters
*Filters may be stacked for mixed use applications*
Installation Instructions
1. Remove Packaging by cutting away outside boxes
2. Open Blower Box
3. Remove Wingnut Washers and Filter Holders from Threaded Rod
4. Place Filter in Plenum (Filter Gasket facing down)
5. Be certain the Filter Gasket is between guides
6. If using two Filters place Dust Filter in first and then Vapor Filter on top
7. Replace Filter Holders and Wingnut Washers
8. Tighten Wingnut Washers to depress Filter Holders
9. It is necessary to depress Filter Gaskets to create an appropriate seal
Important – Do Not touch HEPA Filter media
10. Close Blower Box
Scavengers Users Only
11. Attach hoses as required
12. Attach nozzles as required
13. Follow steps 17-21
Portable Fume Hood Users Only
14. Place Blower on top of Acrylic Enclosure
15. Make sure Blower(s) is placed on top of enclosure correctly
16. See attached diagram for correct placement
All Users
17. Plug Blower(s) into 110-volt grounded outlet
18. Turn Blower(s) on
19. Adjust cover to working height or cut cover as needed
20. You are now ready to use your Portable Fume Hood
21. Check Filter(s) periodically and change when necessary
Any Questions? Call us!
800-860-9775 or 800-852-3698
Blower Position
Hazard Tech Blower Install.pdf