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ANY-maze Operant Interface
Designed to connect ANY-maze to the popular range of Operant conditioning equipment available from Med Associates and Coulbourn Instruments.
The ANY-maze Operant interface M is designed to connect ANY-maze to the popular range of Operant conditioning equipment available from Med Associates. The interface, which connects directly to the computer via USB, is a drop-in replacement for the existing Med Associates connection panels and includes 20 outputs and 10 inputs. Full details can be found here.
The ANY-maze Operant interface C is designed to connect ANY-maze to the popular range of Operant conditioning equipment available from Coulbourn Instruments. The interface, which connects directly to the computer via USB, is a drop-in replacement for the existing Coulbourn connection panel.
The ANY-maze Operant interface L is designed to connect ANY-maze to the popular range of Operant conditioning equipment available from Lafayette Instruments. The interface, which connects directly to the computer via USB, is a drop-in replacement for the existing Lafayette connection panel.