Preschool Vocabulary Cards

Preschool Vocabulary Cards will help young children with language development and give them an early academic head start
Item Product Price QTY
31723A Preschool Vocabulary Cards: Actions $84.00
31723C Preschool Vocabulary Cards: Concepts $84.00
31723N Preschool Vocabulary Cards: Nouns $84.00
Early language development requires exposure to vocabulary with all senses. These durable large deck of Preschool Vocabulary Cards will expand the receptive and expressive vocabularies of young children, and help them to make requests, and construct sentences.

Colorful, illustrations reflect the experiences of preschooler, and vocabulary reflects words they hear every day.  The three card decks, sold individually, will expand the receptive and expressive vocabularies of young children, and help them to make requests, and construct sentences.   Durable, large cards (240 in each deck) are perfect for little hands.

  •  For ages 3-6 years


Provides loads of stimuli to stimulate descriptive language, and build more complex phrases and sentences.  It will also teach verb tenses, and teach question asking and answering.


Includes eight categories of age-appropriate, high-frequency concepts. 

*Attributes         *Colors, Shapes, Numbers          *Emotions and Feelings          *Functional and Social

*Position            *Quantity                                      *Size                                        *Temporal


Includes eight categories of age-appropriate nouns.

*Animals                           *Body Parts        *Clothing and Accessories                 *Everyday Items

*Food and Drink               *Peoples             *Toys and Games                               *Transportation